Wednesday 25 February 2015


Now a days, videogames use a speciala special type of graphics, that don't distorsionate qhen they enlarge., but they are not always those vector graphics I've told to you before, they are special game engines, which can emulate whide variety of graphics, that are in a constant change due to the evolving of consoles and computers. Old videogames used a bit-mapped based graphics, and so that they were made of basic geometrical shapes such as triangles or circles.

Tuesday 24 February 2015


Joysticks are the most used videogame software controller, and is used by almost all pc and console gamers in order to feel the most greeting experience of their videogames.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Videos about graphics.

Here I can show you two videos that may help you to understand a bit more this topic:

Bit-mapped and vector graphics

Here I show you examples of the two main types of graphics:

  1. Bit-mapped graphics: 

  2. Vector graphics:

Tuesday 10 February 2015

More information

Here you are some related information about my graphics topic, hat would be usefull for you to know a bit more about all this images world.

Also, if you want to have a bit more research, you could look at:

     -A Power Point Presentation

     -A Word Document about graphics

     -A PDF file with a game about the topic

Monday 9 February 2015

Basic explanation about graphics

Graphics are visual images represented on a surface such as canvas, screens, paper or any other surface such as walls, where graffitti are represented. Some types of graphics are photographs, drawings, Line Art, graphs, diagrams, typography, numbers, symbols, geometric designs, maps or engineering drawings.
We have also to take into account that there are two main types of graphics, that are bit-mapped graphics, represented by sets of dots, and vector graphics, made of mathematical formulae.
We will keep un touch to make a deeper research about al this.         See you!!

Graphics dedicated blog

Hello to everybody. I'm Pablo, a Secondary School student, and I've created this blog in order to show you some contents abou the types of graphics that computers can manage. 

If you want to contact me, send me an e-mail to: